Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Dinner Time!

I never knew making dinner could be so much fun. In fact, I find it relaxing! I am sure that's how it starts as a young wife, making sure my (probably starving) husband has something to eat at the end of the day.

All through college, this would be a standard menu for me: Breakfast - breakfast bar on the way to school or a quick bowl of cereal. Lunch - Peanut butter sandwich and a cheese stick. Dinner - Soup and whatever else I could find. Now that menu to Ryan is more of a pre-breakfast appetizer! I have had to quickly learn what kind of food to make, to make lots of it, and to make sure it's pretty healthy so I don't get too chubby ;)

It was hilarious, Ryan and I wanted to wait and go on a huge grocery run on Saturday (fourish days away) so we had cereal for breakfast, chips and salsa and sandwiches for lunch and soup and tuna sandwiches for dinner! We also had no furniture at this point so we would hunker down Asian style and sit on the ground with our legs folded, backs against the wall and plates on our laps. It was actually really fun!

My wonderful parents drove all the way from Oregon and got to Provo Saturday around 7, took us to dinner, took us to Winco, opened up our wedding presents with us, and left the next morning for home. They are either insane or just awesome. Since that glorious grocery shopping spree with my parents, I actually had some food to pick from to make some kind of meal. One night I made lemon tilapia with italian roasted tomatos and diced chilis with a side of black bean rice and fruit. The next I made Chicken Fried Rice with Egg Drop Soup, yesterday we had a yummy taco salad and tonight we had sloppy joes. Now that is eating good! Mostly, I was just impressed with my Egg Drop soup creation and it turned out to be quite tasty! I made Ryan wait for me to test it out first, just in case it was nasty.

*Just a side note. I absolutely LOVE making Ryan lunches. I have no idea why, but I just have so much fun making him little baggies of goodies and sending him off to school. It was so precious, one night Ryan told me he wanted to make me dinner so he made some sandwiches :) I am sure he will branch out one day!


  1. This is so cute. I didn't learn how to roast vegetables until just a few years ago! (You're going to spoil that boy, you know? Pretty soon he's going to be asking for Chicken Cordon Bleu and a Rack of Lamb!) In the meantime, I bet you are putting those new cookbooks and aprons to good use!

  2. why don't you come to my house and cook for me?
