By the end of this year I will have moved cities, changed schools, completed two marathons and married the man of my 14-year old dreams! For a girl who doesn't like change, that's quite a year.
I vividly remember sitting on my couch in Logan, teary-eyed and unhappy, resting my head on Caitlyn's shoulder and asking why I felt so uneasy and restless in Logan. I loved Utah State, I loved my wonderful friends and I thought I had a plan! I felt so confused. Since the time I graduated High School I had a very specific plan of what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go, and when it would happen.
This past Christmas, I had never felt so relieved to come home in my life. I wanted to take a break from school, or change majors, or move, or start an internship! Anything! On the drive home from the Airport, my parents told me they had seen the Folsom Family in the Temple a few days prior, and that Ryan was there! My heart skipped a little :) I met Ryan when I was 14, but never even got close to talking to him. I remember him walking into a dance and I walked out the other door! Can you say painfully shy? So when they said they saw him, I did what I usually did - "awwww lucky! He's so cute! Maybe one day I will talk to him..." Luckily my mom is a schemer. She said, well why don't you go up to their house? They want you and Kate to figure out what you are doing for Ecuador in the summer! I lost all color in my face. The thought of maybe seeing Ryan and actually having to talk to him made my stomach hurt. There was no way! I had avoided him for 6 years why stop now! So...after a couple hours of pestering, my mom said, "Lauren. This could be your one chance. You are going to look back and regret this moment if you don't go." That's all it took. I remembered something my dad says a lot, "When you are living righteously, the things in life that you regret are the things you DIDN'T do."
I walked through the Folsom's front door and immediately blushed and instantly got nervous. They were all sitting around in their front room and there was one spot left for me to sit, conveniently by Ryan on the couch. We chatted about school, about the break, and eventually Kate and I were able to talk more about Ecuador and what I needed to do to finish applying. But of course, Kate and I got sidetracked on the topic of boys and dating, and I told her that I was DONE! NO MORE! But I then jokingly told her that I still was secretly in love with Ryan. She looked over her shoulder, shut the door, and quietly said, "I can't stay out of this anymore. He wants to ask you out! He thinks you are cute!" I told her that he needed to be a man and ask me out! That night, I got a text that said: Hey there its Ryan! This is me being a man and asking you out." (I still laugh that he thought texting me was stepping up and being a man! We still argue about who really started the relationship.)
So to sum up, we spent New Year's Eve night together and almost every second after until he flew back to Utah to start school. I had never been so drawn to someone so quickly in my entire life, and he seemed to feel the same. We talked about Provo and Logan and how long distance would be fine, trying to feel a little bit more hopeful about our situation. But our problems were all solved within one day. A girl called and said she wanted to buy my contract in Logan, I got offered a job in Provo, I got offered an internship in Sandy, and found a place to live in Provo in a half hour. That scared me to death! After a couple days of wrestling with the decision, I decided to move to Provo. I figured all of the doors were opening for a reason and, being a girl scared of having any regrets, I took the big leap of faith and moved down that weekend.
The rest as they say, is "history!" Ryan and I were engaged three weeks later, and married 3 months later, to the day. April 23rd finallly came and we were able to go home and get married in our hometown temple of Medford, Oregon. What a happy day that was! Although I won't be able to remember every detail, I will always remember the peace I felt, the peace knowing that I just married my perfect man and it was in fact a match made in heaven.
The rest of this blog will just be day to day things that happen, fun new recipes I have tried, funny things that happen, a thought...just anything I feel, for this brand new Folsom fam, that is a little handful of happy :)