I applied to BYU as soon as I moved down to Provo in January and eagerly awaited the good news I KNEW I was going to receive. I had good grades, I had been very involved at Utah State and had been in a couple rigorous academic programs. I was set! I also had the fact that I was marrying someone who attended BYU and played Football there on my side, and that all my family graduated from there. There was no reason for me to not get accepted as a Transfer student!
Towards the end of March I checked my application status...DENIED! I was shocked. I immediately made an appointment to speak with someone in admissions, ready to plead my case. They listened, but were quick to tell me that since I had so many credits as a transfer, they didn't have enough "resources" for me. He then told me, I was pleading a good case but they would only consider it when I was actually married. So, feeling misunderstood I sadly left the office but was hopeful to come back and slam my marriage certificate on the desk and say, "check it out!"
I decided to apply to the University of Utah just as a backup plan, and (thankfully) was accepted. That would have been a real hit to my self-esteem if they denied me too! I looked at the classes I had taken compared to what they accepted and it looked like I could graduate in a semester, so even though I would have to commute, it would be better. I met with them last week and they said the scary words, "we have just changed our curriculum as of February, including classes we accept from other universities!" My heart sank. Here it comes....so after going through my classes and new classes they are requiring, turns out I can't graduate for at least two more semesters, most likely three. They added an intro to business class that I have to take before getting into the Marketing Program, even though I was close to a business major at USU! So frustrating! So, it was time to check back in with BYU...
Bad news again. They barely even glanced at the certificate and said they had already accepted 600 extra students, and that my chances of being accepted as a transfer student with all my credits was slim to none. I started bawling. But in the long run it makes sense! They wouldn't accept the majority of my credits, it would take a while to get into the Business College and I probably wouldn't be able to graduate with Ryan.
I saw this sticker and it made me laugh, and it inspired this post :)

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