Monday, May 16, 2011

I love being an Oregonian

There is something about being outside that is so soothing. This last Sunday, Ryan and I went to the park across the street and threw around the frisbee, played a game of Horse (H for Ryan...HORSE for me...), and just walked and talked. It was dusk and still warm enough to be in shorts and it was so quiet for living next to a busy street. I looked at Ryan and he was closing his eyes and smiling. He then said so contently and calmly, "Being outside is so therapeutic for me." I could tell he was soaking it all up; the quiet, the weather, the calm. It is so true! Us treehuggers tend to really appreciate nature, but it is something I miss about Oregon. The green, the space and the summer.

In an article I found online, (, it said the following:

"Generations of brilliant minds, naturalists and authors have documented the many benefits of spending time in nature. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), an American author, naturalist, and philosopher best known for his book Walden, celebrated the therapeutic effects of nature by saying, "I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright." Nature has played an integral role in the quest for happiness and personal fulfillment of many other historical figures as well, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Muir and Charles Darwin. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), acclaimed architect and philosopher, advised, "Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."

There is a strong body of research confirming that direct contact with nature increases mental health and psychological and spiritual development. Benefits include stress reduction, a sense of coherence and belonging, improved self-confidence and self-discipline, and a broader sense of community"

At home, I lived on the River during the summer. The rogue was my relaxation, my exercise, my fun, my getaway. I love the outdoors but what I love more than anything is water. Rivers, Oceans, Lakes and hot springs! (That reminds me - Ryan and I found the tiniest little hot spring in the middle of nowhere. I don't know if we will ever be able to find it again, it was in the middle of a muddy field but it felt soooo good!) Being in Utah, I feel so far away from all of my water adventures! But that is why Ryan and I are going to do a lot of camping :) You won't be surprised to find out that Camping gear was the first thing we registered for. Our first camping date is set for June 17-19 at Bear Lake with my cousin Rachael and her husband. It is going to be a blast! My goal is to take advantage of this summer, to go on hikes, camp and soak up the outdoors as much as we can before the cold sets in here in Provo, Utah!


  1. Castle Crags ~ Here they come!!!

  2. That sounds so fun to go to Bear Lake!! Alex is going to take the kids camping in the backyard as a warm up to reality :) I of course will be inside with Ellie. It is 33 degrees here though so it will have to wait.
